If their step by step plans and "powerful" words actually worked, surely only one book would be necessary. In fact, if one person's wisdom was enough, why are there so many other people out there who claim that their systems are the ones that will work?
Oh, and while we are on that point, did you know that we have a system which is biased: we tend to record the successes more than the failures! No one reads books from failed entrepreneurs, after all. For every successful entrepreneur, there are probably dozens of failed ones.
There has to be a measure for what counts as success and in our society we have decided that wealth is it. If you don't earn enough to meet that mark, you are seen to be a failure in some way and all these business gurus exist to tell you how to reach the heights society expects of you. No one thinks that, perhaps, it is the measurement for success that is the problem...in fact that there is a measurement at all.
In the same way, psychologists have to decide what is 'normal' in order to recognise mental health disorders and THEN they can "treat" you so that you fit in the nice little square boxes and, more often than not, into the tick box exercises to satisfy national statistics and targets.
I could rant about this one for a long time.
What if there is no normal. If one in five of us suffer or have suffered from a mental health disorder, then it suggests that there is a problem with the measurement, and most definitely a problem with the treatment.
It is a symptom of our society, and quite frankly a derivative of commercialism, to fix the symptoms and not the problem.
We treat anxiety and depression with medication and sessions to change our thought patterns when, quite often, a change of circumstances is required.
We are told that we should treat lack of action with motivation. It is pretty hard to be motivated when you are not inspired.
We put taxes on plastic carrier bags that puts the onus on the customer and not the supplier to find a sustainable solution. It is not the customer that produces or even demands plastic bags, it is the retailer who wants to cut costs by using cheap plastic that can have their logo printed on for advertising.
This is my first blog in a very long time and I have no idea where I am going with this mild morning rant.
I have suffered with writer's block for the last ten years but that time is drawing to an end. I'm kind of sick of hearing people tell me that writer's block is ridiculous....you just have to write! If only the solution could be that easy. Oh wait, there is no magic pill for that.
Writer's block is a symptom. Much like a headache could be a symptom of stress, or it could be a symptom of a hangover. Yes you can treat the headache with a couple of painkillers but if it's a hangover, you will be wanting to drink more water or if it's a sign of stress then you will want to reduce your stress otherwise you will get a repeat of the symptom. Pointless, isn't it.
My writer's block was down to a few different things which I have mostly resolved. I have also discovered the following:
Firstly, to be able to write, you have to have something to say.
Secondly, you have to have the inspiration to say it.
And, finally, you have to have the motivation to write it.
Cure the cause, and there's no need to treat the symptoms.
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